Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chapter 8 Vocabulary

1. Abstraction
This is Marcel Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2" which expresses elements of both abstract art and cubism. This was another piece I got to see at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and while I was there I read about how this piece was denied submission at Salon des Independants because a nude does not descend a staircase, it reclines.


2. Distortion
The moment I saw this piece, I fell in love with it. This was done by artist Charlie Isoe, of whom I read about in Juxtapoz magazine. In the article, he states "in the actual process of painting, as things evolve from really loose marks on the canvas, those multiple views kind of take on different forms, which aren't necessarily human figures anymore, but what I want to capture is really human."


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