Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter 11 Vocabulary

 This is another piece done by Marcel Duchamp entitled "Rotative plaques verre, optique de précision" or "Rotary Glass Plates, Precision Optics." It was built in 1920, with the help of Man Ray.

"The piece, which he did not consider to be art, involved a motor to spin pieces of rectangular glass on which were painted segments of a circle. When the apparatus spins, an optical illusion occurs, in which the segments appear to be closed concentric circles."


Repeated Figure
One of Andy Warhol's pieces composed of photographs involving his good friend, Edie Sedgwick. Together, the photographs not only narrate an idea as to who Edie Sedgwick was, but what it was about her that intrigued and interested Andy Warhol and what made their friendship so special.


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