Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chapter 13 Vocabulary

This is a cropped shot I took of a painting I've been working on for the past 2-3 months. I wanted to use a combination of warm and cool colors to express a sort of mixed emotion about the painting's concept and in this particular area, it shows a juxtaposition of blue and orange hues. You can make out a juxtaposition of yellow and purple hues as well. It's hard to tell because this only one section of the painting, but the painting involves a large variety of primary and secondary colors.

This is also a cropped shot of another painting I've been working on as well. I mixed quite a few hues with white to strongly emphasize the lighter areas of the infant's form. There may also be some optical mixtures in the painting as well.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Chapter 12 Vocabulary

This is one of Pablo Picasso's sketches involving the mythological creature, the Minotaur. I saw a number of sketches where he uses the Minotaur as the subject of his pieces but this one stands out to me the most.

(source: http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/d/images/drypnt_picas.mintr.lg.jpg)

Mixed media
To represent mixed media, I chose another piece by Charlie Isoe. The media used in this piece are oil, acrylic, charcoal and spray paint.

(source: http://www.circleculture-gallery.com/artists/charlie_isoe/work/new_york_george/)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter 11 Vocabulary

 This is another piece done by Marcel Duchamp entitled "Rotative plaques verre, optique de prĂ©cision" or "Rotary Glass Plates, Precision Optics." It was built in 1920, with the help of Man Ray.

"The piece, which he did not consider to be art, involved a motor to spin pieces of rectangular glass on which were painted segments of a circle. When the apparatus spins, an optical illusion occurs, in which the segments appear to be closed concentric circles."

(source: http://www.interactivearchitecture.org/kinetic-art-and-architecture-part-1.html)

Repeated Figure
One of Andy Warhol's pieces composed of photographs involving his good friend, Edie Sedgwick. Together, the photographs not only narrate an idea as to who Edie Sedgwick was, but what it was about her that intrigued and interested Andy Warhol and what made their friendship so special.

(source: http://www.galeriemons.fr/photos/artistes/114/e.jpg)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapter 10 Vocabulary

Multipoint Perspective
 In this piece, M.C. Escher uses multipoint perspective by the set of stairs starting and ending at different points, and the figures emphasize on the multipoint perspective even more.

(source: http://www.mcescher.com/)

Open Form
This is a photograph of Jenny Saville, taken by Glen Luchford.  For this collaboration, Glen Luchford had taken photographs of Jenny Saville from below, while she lied nude on top of a sheet of glass.


Chapter 9 Vocabulary

 This is a photograph of part of my work station containing a sample of medium I work with, which is my palette, brushes and acrylic paint.

 A painting done by Frank Auerbach, who displays the impasto style in many of his works.

(source: http://www.waterman.co.uk/pages/single/1118.html)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chapter 8 Vocabulary

1. Abstraction
This is Marcel Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2" which expresses elements of both abstract art and cubism. This was another piece I got to see at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and while I was there I read about how this piece was denied submission at Salon des Independants because a nude does not descend a staircase, it reclines.

(source: http://mtidry.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/nude-descending-a-staircase.jpg)

2. Distortion
The moment I saw this piece, I fell in love with it. This was done by artist Charlie Isoe, of whom I read about in Juxtapoz magazine. In the article, he states "in the actual process of painting, as things evolve from really loose marks on the canvas, those multiple views kind of take on different forms, which aren't necessarily human figures anymore, but what I want to capture is really human."

(source: http://www.ektopia.co.uk/ektopia/2009/06/01/charlie-isoe/)

Chapter 7 Vocabulary

1. Cross-hatching
 This is an illustration of King Minos from Dante's Inferno done by Gustave Dore, who is considered to be the most successful illustrator of the nineteenth century.

(source: http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/Minos.html)

2. Impressionism
This was done by Post-Impressionist painter, Paul Cezanne.

(source: http://willhumes.net/2009/01/19/poe-and-cezanne-today-in-history/)