Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chapter 3 Vocabulary

1. Focal Point
 This is a photograph I had taken during my trip out West.  It was taken at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. This particular group of mountains is called the Cathedral Group.

"These peaks have been called the Cathedral Group...more evident here than in many of the great cathedrals of men is the Gothic note.  It is seen in the profiles of the countless firs and spruces congregated like worshippers on the lower slopes; it reappears higher in the converging lines of spire rising beyond spire; it attains supreme expression in the figures of the peaks themselves that, towering above all else, with pointed summits directs one's vision and thoughts yet higher." - Fritiof Fryxwell

2. Value
 This was done by one of my favorite photographers, Joel Peter Witkin. I find his incorporation of such strange and grotesque elements to be absolutely beautiful and the theatrical presence in his work is truly incredible.

This piece is actually on display at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia.


Chapter 2 Vocabulary


This is a representation of a poppy flower done by Georgia O'Keefe


This graphic is an illustration I made of my friend using pencil and black Prisma marker

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

The subject of my painting was inspired by an image I had seen of a victim of Agent Orange.

This is the source that inspired the subject of my painting.